Grandparent Alienation Awareness
Learn About the Global Epidemic of Grandparent Alienation
It’s more common than you think
Join the Fight for Grandparents’ Rights!
There is strength in numbers. Currently, not many states recognize the important role of a grandparent, especially when they have been very involved in the grandchildren’s lives. It is extremely confusing and stressful for the children when grandma suddenly doesn’t come around. Help us show solidarity and speak for those who don’t have a voice. Below is a link to a petition to help change the laws in family court and allow for reasonable visitation while the parents and grandparents heal their relationship. Sign our petition to make your voices heard about grandparents’ visitation.

Join the movement to reconnect with your children and grands!
Your support can make a difference in the lives of grandparents and grandchildren. Follow us on social!
through awareness, education and personal commitment, you can begin to heal and reconnect with your children and grandchildren.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is grandparent alienation?
Grandparent alienation is the act of denying grandparents the right to have a relationship with their grandchildren. It typically begins with an adult child who has cut off communication with their parent, and the children become an unwilling participant in this feud.
Why is grandparent alienation a trend?
Grandparent alienation is not a new phenomenon, but is increasing all across the globe. The younger generations focus on their mental health and after years of trying to communicate, feel the only way to have peace of mind is to cut off their parents. It is an epidemic of global proportions that is dividing families and destroying relationships. As the parents, it is we have the ability to understand, empathize and start the healing process.
What are the goals of our website?
The goals of this website are to bring national awareness to this mental health epidemic and encourage open dialogue, mediation and ultimately, reconnection.
What is the impact of alienation?
Grandparent alienation has a negative impact on the mental well-being of both the children and grandparents involved.
What can grandparents do about it?
Grandparents can begin healing the broken relationships they have with their adult children. Just as no one person carries all the blame for the rift, neither is one person completely blameless in the relationship. This website provides resources to help grandparents navigate this process so they can begin healing themselves and the relationship.
As a grandparent who has experienced alienation, I can’t express enough how important this website is. It provides valuable resources and guidance on this journey of enlightenment.

John D
California, USA